Friday, March 1, 2013

Cute Toy!

Hi, it's me again and I just want to say I got a adorable new toy!
It's a lamb that has a pink ribbon and blue eyes. Stay tuned to see a picture of it!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Sorry I didn't post anything in such a long time. I was in Japan. But, my dog has a diet. she cannot eat beef, chicken and pork. But, she could eat duck. She is taking alot of medicine though. I am in charge of feeding her and she needs to take a quarter of human medicine, Pepcid. A whole dog medicine, metronidazole. And, 1 packet of a dog medicine a day.( it's a powder) Now, Abby is nice and HEALTHY!!!!!

P.S. She is now eats Z/D Super allergenic dog food.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Poor Puppy!

Today, Abby got spayed.  That basically means she got an operation.  The photo you see below is Abby all sleepy after the operation. Abby left to the vet at 7:30 AM and came back at, 5:00 PM with painkillers and some instructions.  When Abby came home, she instantly fell asleep.  She somehow looks cuter with the cone.  The cone prevents her from scratching her scar. When Abby left to the vet, I was really worried.(Like, what if they kill her by mistake!?) When we went to pick her up, I was so relieved. She will be fine once she isn't tired any more.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


When I came home from school today, guess what I found.
My favorite fleece!  It looks like someone has been chewing it.  I blame Abby.  But the judge says she looks too innocent.
"I didn't do it!"
But I have evidence!  A photo of Abby chewing on the fleece after I have left.  When I left, she ran into my room and chewed them through.  Sorry Abigail Oliver Massarelli, you have been found guilty.  But, the judge is right, Abby is too cute to hate.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Young Student

Today, when I came home from school, Abby was looking in the dictionary.  Do you think she is trying to memorize it?  Or do you think she is looking up a word?  And here is another thing.  Do you see all those books behind her?  Do you think she read them and needs to look up a word?  Or do you think she got an idea and is preparing a test?  All of these questions may be unanswered but you may never know....  Hope you will have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Today was my first day of school.  It was so-o-o-o much fun.  First, we put all of our supplies in our desks, then, my teacher explained the rules.  Then we learned the three R's of my school.(Respect, Responceable, and Reverance) It took my class and I a little while to get used to the new classroom. By the way, I am now a official fourth grader.  This is the first year I will ever have my own desk.  In the past, I have shared tables. I hope I will have a great year!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bath Time!

Abby needed to take a bath last night because she rolled around in the grass a lot. We thought last night was a good day because we applied a monthly dose of Frontline Plus on her body several days ago.  That means Frontline Plus has been effective.  The photo below is a photo of her taking a bath.

What do you think she is thinking about?  I think she is thinking "Help!"  I think she thinking that because she sometimes tries to get out. To keep her in the sink, we need to feed treats constantly.